Delivering Training and Workshops
On this page, you will find resources that will enable you to deliver a training session to students, staff and colleagues across and beyond your institution. This resources and activities have been specifically designed by Dr Matson Lawrence and Dr Stephanie Mckendry for enhancing trans awareness and inclusion in Further and Higher Education contexts. The content has been developed as part of the TransEdu Scotland action research findings, and has been delivered during training sessions, workshops and wider sector engagement across the UK.
Public sector and third sector organisations are welcome to use these resources for non-commercial purposes, such as delivering in-house awareness sessions or training. We ask that you cite and credit TransEDU, Dr Matson Lawrence and Dr Stephanie Mckendry when using or reproducing these resources. If you would like to use the resources for other purposes not listed above, please contact Matson ( to discuss further.
Trans 101: Introduction to trans identities and gender diversity
These slides provide an introduction to trans identities, gender diversity, terminology and legislation. We have used these at the beginning of many workshops and training sessions to introduce participants to the key areas of understanding. Feel free to use these slides when delivering your own trans awareness session.
Click here to download 'Trans 101 - Introduction to Trans Awareness Workshop' slides

Activity: Lingo Bingo
In this 'icebreaker' activity, participants have the opportunity to get acquainted with the terminology around gender and trans experience.
Click here to download 'Lingo Bingo: Trans Awareness Workshop Activity' guide

Activity: Mapping the Journeys
For every student or staff member, there are a wide variety of factors that interact with their ‘journey’ through study or work. This guided activity asks participants to consider the journeys of trans students or staff, to assist them to identify the areas in their college or university that may present additional barriers or difficulties. We have used this exercise both as an internal reflective activity with our Human Resources department, for example, and as part of wider training sessions with external organisations and other colleges and universities. It has always led to insightful engagement by participants.
Click here to download 'Mapping the Journeys: Trans Awareness Workshop Guide'
Click here to download 'Mapping the Journeys' PowerPoint slides to accompany the workshop.